Engineers, tired of pitching your skills instead of proving them?

Let Xprt help you demonstrate your technical expertise.

Start building my profile

Enter your showcase.

One that sells, so you don't have to.

Effortlessly highlight your achievements

Your Xprt profile effectively articulates your capabilities. It transforms major projects, professional milestones, and achievements into a compelling narrative that draws the right attention, effortlessly positioning you in the job market.

Showcase your dedication and skills

Link your GitHub and/or GitLab profiles to demonstrate your ongoing commitment. This provides a transparent view of your daily commits and participation, offering potential collaborators and employers insight into your dedication and technical proficiency.

Demonstrate your technical expertise

Give direct access to your most impressive repositories. Detailing your contributions to complex projects not only showcases your technical skills but also your ability to innovate and solve real-world problems, making a strong case for your expertise.

Optimise your professional visibility

Create unique profile links with basic analytics to monitor your profile’s reach and engagement. This allows you to see how your profile performs across your networks, helping you refine where and how you share it to maximise visibility and impact.

Keep your network informed

Xprt ensures that your CV is always current, reflecting your latest projects, skills, and professional achievements. This keeps you prepared for new opportunities as they arise, enhancing your professional reach and keeping you relevant at all times.

Control your privacy.

Hold the reins to your data and choose who sees what.

Always own your data

Take charge of how your data is shared and who accesses it. Assert your rights with Xprt, where you keep full ownership of your content, ensuring your professional information remains private and under your control.

Control who can see your data

Manage your profile's visibility with Xprt's three privacy settings — public, authenticated, and invite-only. Tailor your exposure to meet your personal and professional privacy needs effectively.

Password protect your links

Apply password protection to your unique profile links to control access. This feature ensures that your personal and professional information is accessible only to those you permit, safeguarding against unauthorized viewing.

Time to upgrade your paper CV?

Build your Xprt profile to showcase your expertise and grow your network.

Start building my profile
Coming soon

Find engineers and opportunities.

Upgrade your career to the next level.

For job seekers

In the future, you'll be able to navigate through a variety of job listings specifically tailored for engineers. Xprt will provide a platform where employers will be able to actively seek out engineers who not only demonstrate exceptional technical skills but also embrace innovative thinking — indispensable qualities in the evolving tech world.

For talent scouts

You'll have the opportunity to discover and engage with engineers who are more than just skilled — those who are visionary and adept at overcoming complex challenges. This upcoming tool will serve as your portal to find professionals ready to drive innovation and excel in projects, adapting to the ever-changing demands of the tech industry.


Ready to become an Xprt?

Join Xprt to build your digital showcase and prove you can walk the walk.

Start building my profile